Saturday, September 1, 2018

September First

Bacon Day
Emma m Nutt Day
No Rhyme or Reason Day
Saturn’s Day

     I’ve been reading Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project lately, and one of the things she talks about is how she started emailing her husband small interesting things about her day to satisfy her resolution to "give proofs of love". Although I don't really have opportunities for emailing to give "proofs of love" ( since the people I love are always either in person with me or unreachable), I realized I do have the opportunity to loosely apply the idea to my own relationships.
     Even though I have a phone now, the friends I made over the summer have started drifting from my mind. In order to keep in touch, I decided to send each of my friends a Happy - insert holiday here - text to check in. And it worked! Almost all of my friends replied, reigniting text chains gone dormant for up to 17 days ( not much, for some people, but for me, 17 days snowballs into months). I’ve “resolved” to check in once a week with a new interesting holiday.

If you were wondering:
My limited knowledge on:

Bacon Day:
Always the Saturday before Labor Day (and there is another Bacon Day on December 30th), this holiday was started by college students Alexa Haflord, Seth Rittenhouse and Evan Salim from Bedford, Massachusetts, and first celebrated in 2000.

Thanks to:

Emma m Nutt Day:
Commemorating Emma M. Nutt, the first female telephone operator. Her first day at work was September 1st, and her sister actually became the second female telephone operator ever.

Thanks to:

No Rhyme or Reason Day:
Celebrated on September 1st, this holiday is dedicated to refractory rhymes (words that are hard to rhyme, like Orange, Purple, Plankton, and Arugula). 

Thanks to:

Saturn's Day:
We get Saturday from the Roman's Saturn (approximate counterpart of the Greek's Cronus who was the youngest Titan and killed his father to rule the Earth {only to have the exact same thing happen to him by his son, Zeus}- I know, mythology is complicated). As tidbits of language came together to form English, the Germanic peoples- then speakers of English's descendant- couldn't find a Norse god equal to Saturn (unlike Tuesday/Tyr's Day, or Friday/Freya's Day). Another, less popular theory is that Saturday is named after Loki, (Saeter loosely meaning "the one who waits in ambush", following with Loki's theme and Anglo-Saxon and Norse sources) but this theory is convoluted and a bit questionable, in that Loki was not an official god.

Thanks to:

To find September 1st holidays, I used

But what about you? Have you read The Happiness Project? Are you also interested in strengthening casual long-distance relationships? Do you, too, have trouble keeping in touch through the busy school year? Or am I alone and everyone already has texting and all that down?